The Case for a Pomegranate Emoji

Folks, it is 2020, and there is still no pomegranate emoji. This is not only disappointing but outrageous! How else can I express to my friends and family my love for my favorite fruit when I can’t send them a dozen pomegranate emojis?! 

Okay, all jokes aside, I do think there needs to be one—it’s not even a rare fruit. As one of my professors put it: “there is no fruit that is so much at the crossroads of mythology and modernity as the pomegranate; no fruit that has such interesting symbologies connected to it; no fruit that is so ‘social’ in its consumption. Yummy, too.” (Thanks, Professor Pell!)

If you go to the supermarket when pomegranates are in season, you can easily buy them. Last fall, I was walking in Brooklyn with one of my close friends and I saw a fruit stand selling pomegranates, so I bought two and brought them back to campus.

There are already a few sketches for a possible emoji. Apple, Samsung, whoever is in charge of adding new emojis, it’s not that hard to create a pomegranate emoji!

The pomegranate emoji from emoji®.

The pomegranate emoji from emoji®.

In the meantime, however, I will simply look at beautiful photos and artwork of pomegranates. One of my favorite Instagram accounts is @dailypomegranates, where a picture or piece of artwork is posted everyday. Here’s four of my favorite posts:

If you have never had a pomegranate before, I highly recommend splurging a little bit and buying one (since they are a little bit pricey, but it’s so worth it). If you need a guide on how to properly cut open a pomegranate, click here for a YouTube tutorial that I personally like. Or you can simply Google “how to cut open a pomegranate.” Enjoy!


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