a letter to my future self

find who you have not yet become.

go on, not knowing where you’re going—

in-between beauty and paper and glass,

figure out what we’re made of

through all the paths that we have walked.

a thrift shop, if you will,

full of the unexpected.

like blue roses.

the story found me and we talked,

but it's not about the conversation.

when the art whispered, “hear me,”

I made my cathedral beneath the glow of streetlights.

if that moment was a movie, I'd be there to catch your soul,

setting the stardust within you free of illumination.

we were living in a technicolor world.

however, I didn't know that bad dreams could know your name.

when silence feels like some forgotten melody,

when rose colored glasses eventually crack,

there are some things the eye can't see, 

such as the throne: an affliction of love.


Taken and pieced together from Hofstra SP!T’s 2020 National Poetry Month writing prompts.

Originally created August 13, 2020.


refrigerator musings

