Ready, Set, Study!

Tuesday, December 7 & Thursday, December 9

The last week of classes always feels obsolete. Do professors really expect stressed-out students to absorb new information that they will then be tested on the following week? Luckily, the final days of Arabic were just reviewing material in class. We had homework assignments due, but they weren’t terrible. The last day of class, we mostly practiced reading from a paragraph and answering comprehension questions from that same paragraph. That took us about an hour, and then my professor told us what we should expect to be tested on during the exam.

She also gave us our last writing assignment, and told us that if she could get around to it, she was also going to send us some questions based on Arabic roots. Looking at the document, the writing and the Arabic roots sections are 20 points each… if the exam is out of 100 points, then I could easily get 40 points outside of class. I’m hoping that the exam next Thursday isn’t going to be too hard. I know I’ll be studying like crazy this weekend and all next week leading up to my exam. Wish me luck!

Arabic Word of the Week

snow/ice / thalj / ثلج


#ArabicWithAlex: The End of an Era… for Now?


Do You Have the Time?