No Quiz? No Quiz.

Tuesday, October 27

Today we did more drills from the textbook. I got a little bit better at distinguishing between different letters that sound alike, but it’ll be a while before I have the entire alphabet down. We also read words a lot and, reader, I absolutely hate it. I feel so self-conscious and anxious. Growing up with academics coming relatively easy to me, it’s a learning curve for me that I actually have to struggle through this language-learning experience. 

So last week our quiz got pushed back to this Thursday… However, it is now pushed back to next Tuesday. Part of me is torn between wanting to get this quiz over with, and the other part is grateful to have more time to study. (But, how much studying am I really going to get done this weekend, with it being Halloween and all… that is yet to be determined.) Also, our group study session has been rescheduled. For when, I have no clue, but we’re struggling to find a time that best suits most people. Hopefully we’ll be able to schedule something where everyone can pop in if they want to. 

On Thursday, my professor plans on us doing a review for the quiz. I’m hoping to get some online homework done in preparation for class and the quiz. And I also need to make vocab flashcards… lots and lots of vocab flashcards. 

Thursday, October 29

We did more drills today. There were a lot of reading-aloud drills that I hated. But, I need to give myself grace. However, I can see myself getting slightly better: I just need to slow down and go back to the kindergarten ways of reading things--by reading them one letter at a time. (Though it would help if I had all the letters we’ve learned so far memorized.) 

We did more work with vocab, but class went surprisingly fast today. I wish it was always like that. We students are still trying to figure out a time for a study session in preparation for the quiz next week. Wish us luck!

Arabic Word of the Week

cat / bisse / بسّة


“Words, Words, Words!” –Hamlet


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