Let’s Crack Open the Pomegranate

Hello, welcome to my blog! I’m Lex, your friendly neighborhood blogger! (If you want to read a more Formal Introduction, you can click the About tab at the top or bottom of the page.) While most of my website is dedicated to the Middle East and my poetry, this blog is a way for me to talk about pretty much whatever I want (within reason). 

There are a couple series that I plan on hosting. The first is #HiddenSeeds. I know, I know, everyone always has these underrated music artists or films or products to rave about and recommend, so I will just be jumping on the bandwagon. The second is #ArabicWithAlex. This series will start in late August when my school semester begins. Every Friday I will be posting about my experience that week of learning Arabic. I’m very excited to take you all on my language learning journey with me. These two series are very broad and not exhaustive. There will be blog posts that don’t fall under a series, as I find interesting things to talk about and give my thoughts on them. As someone living in New York, I plan on sharing my photos and adventures of the city, too.

Every once in a blue moon, I will try to host a guest blogger or poet to mix things up a bit. If you would like to collaborate on something with me, shoot me an email and we’ll see if we can work something out! Or, if there is something that you think I would find interesting and would want to blog about, reach out to me! I love being inspired and getting ideas from different places and people. 


Full disclosure: This blog believes in uplifting the marginalized and that everyone deserves human decency, no matter who they are or what the situation is. 


Since this is an introduction to my blog, it is also an introduction to me! I am a girl from a small town in Ohio who is going to school in New York. I am double majoring in English/Publishing Studies and Political Science with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies. My niche study is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My favorite fruit is the pomegranate (if you couldn’t tell), and my favorite color is black. I have several pets who you will meet in a later post. I’ve been blessed with great parents, a loving extended family, amazing mentors, and beautiful friends. I enjoy reading, listening to music (Premium Spotify is a necessity), and hanging out with my friends. 

I have big dreams of owning my own brownstone in Brooklyn but also of traveling around the world. A current career goal of mine is to either work for the United Nations or work at a U.S. embassy in the Middle East. While I showcase my poetry on my website, I also have two novels in the works. One is a fantasy novel about a queen, a messenger, a twin, and a wizard. The other is a mashup of several Shakespeare tragedies that are turned into contemporaries. Both projects are beasts and difficult to work on during the school year so being able to write for this blog will hopefully keep my writing skills sharp!

Come back every Wednesday for a new blog post!




When Is a Door Not a Door?